Pingalab is numerical computation software or can be called as scientific computational environment. The software can be used to perform analysis of mathematical model, typically a system under design. Pingalab is a product of Enixs, It won “Best Innovative Software Product – 2015” title in 8th Assocham Educational Summit & National Excellence Award in association with MHRD, Govt of India and Association of Universities.
Pingalab – An Indian Connection
Pingala is a well known mathematician who wrote the book called “Chandahsastra”. It was the first book to describe the binary numeral system. According to the Wikipedia reference the book was dated back to 200 BC. Pingala’s system ranks binary patterns starting at one (four short syllables binary “0000” is the first pattern), the nth pattern corresponds to the binary representation of n-1, written backwards. In order to honour our ancient mathematician, the software is named as “Pingala-b”. It can also call as” ping-a- lab”
Pingalab is a Numerical Computation Software that allows the designer to design, analyze and verify the system concepts by representing it in mathematical form. Pingalab allows the designer to customize the software for specific needs by letting to load the required modules. Pingalab also include 10+ packages which are specific to particular domain. Packages are program modules which extend the Pingalab customized to particular algorithm or technology.
It has comprehensive set of features such as Workspace, Resource Listing, Variable Window, Editor Console, Array editor, Worksheet editor, Debugging and 10 plus packages for Signal, Image, Communication and more. It provides capabilities for the numerical solution of linear and nonlinear problems, and for performing other numerical experiments. It also provides extensive graphics capabilities for data visualization and manipulation.
It has extensive tools for solving common numerical linear algebra problems, finding the roots of nonlinear equations, integrating ordinary functions, manipulating polynomials, and integrating ordinary differential and differential-algebraic equations. It is easily extensible and customizable via user defined functions or using dynamically loaded modules written in C++, C, Fortran or other languages. Moreover the language is quite similar to .m file, so that most programs are easily portable

- MAYA – Powerful Simulation Associate with set of blocks in palate
- High level programming language with support for Expression, statements, functions and scripts
- compatible with .m files
- Data Analysis, Visualization, Profiler, Breakpoints and Debugger
- 10+ packages like Signal, Image processing, Control and Communication
- Non resource hungry - user can load the specific packages required
- Standalone application can be created to execute the algorithm in real time
- C++ Integration- provides seamless integration of algorithm written in C++
- C++ Compiler – Accelerate the algorithm in interpreter level, provides up to 16x